Craftin Desert Divas | Tangled Christmas Scene

I have another one layer Christmas card to share today using digis from Craftin Desert Divas. I couldn’t resist putting Bright Deer with Tangled Snowman to create a fun scene.

I started by arranging both the images along with the sentiment from Bright Deer. I arranged them such that the lights from each image looked to be connected. I then printed them directly onto my cardbase.

I used Spectrum Noir Illustrator markers for my colouring. I started with the lights, which I chose to do in rainbow colours. When there were areas that the lights went behind something (such as the tree) I tried to count to work out roughly which colour would be next in the sequence once they appeared again.

I went with earth browns to colour the reindeer, along with some very light brown (or dark cream) tones for the antlers and other paler areas. For the nose I bought in a touch of red brown to differentiate it. I used the same browns in different combinations for the tree trunk, pot and snowman’s arms.

I chose to go with somewhat bright greens for the Christmas tree, then used the same colours I had used on my light to add the decoration to the pot and also to colour the star on the tree.

For the snowman I went with light blues to add the shading. I used greys on the buttons and oranges for the carrot nose. After some contemplation I decided to make his accessories blue too. I went with two different shades of stripes but kept them in the same colour family, with the lightest shade of the dark stripes being the darkest shade for yhe light stripes.

With the images themselves coloured I started thinking about the scene. I decided I wanted to make it look as though they are in a house decorating the tree.

I drew in a window, colouring the frame with my earth browns. I then made a snowy nighttime view through the window by using a very dark blue and my white gel pen. I used a couple of golden yellows to create the back wall, and added a light brown border for the divider at the bottom (and I cannot remember what that is called! Anyone able to remind me?)

Initially I had intended to leave my added elements unlined but I decided to go in with my Sharpie and add lines to tie them in with the image more. I probably should have waited though as I still had a little more colouring to do, and doing it after adding the lines did cause a little bleeding. Luckily nothing too bad though!

My final touch was to add a glow to each light. I did this by using a lighter version of the colour I had used for the light and adding it in a ring of sorts outside the line of the light itself. I then softened the edge with my blender pen. This helped to give the impression that the lights are actually shining.

I had wanted to add a wooden floor but decided instead to leave it plain, just using a light creamy colour to add shading to ground the images.

This cute Christmas scene was a lot of fun to make. It might have been more realistic to have had them decorating a tree in a forest rather than being in a home, but then again there’s not much realism about a deer and a snowman decorating a Christmas tree together no matter where you put them!


Lady Joyful

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