Easter Chicks

Easter ChicksYesterday I shared a Christmas card with you. Today it’s an Easter one!

The Easter theme came primarily from the challenge at Crafty Sentiments. I combined it with Simon Says Stamp’s Monday Challenge which is to make your own background. I also added in CASology‘s challenge “laugh”.

The inspiration for colours came from the Color Throwdown.

For the layout I went with the sketch over at The Challenge.

I started this card by looking for digi stamps, not having anything suitable amongst the stamps I own. It had to be something Easter themed, amusing, and ideally in three parts. When I spotted this one I knew I had to use it, despite it not meeting the third criteria.

In order to make the tower of chicks work for the layout I knew I would have to split it up. I opened the file in a picture editing programme and carefully cut the top chick away, and then the second chick. I then ‘painted’ to fill in the gaps on the second and third chick where they had each been overlapped with the chick above.

Next I looked for a digi stamp to use as a sentiment. I found the ones over on this site. Originally I was thinking of using a circular one, but none of them seemed quite right, and I realised that a circle actually wouldn’t fit the overall look of the card. Instead I chose the sentiment you can see. I coloured in the lines of the eggs to add a bit more colour, and to further tie in the colours I needed to use.

For the background I used my indistinct writing stamp with some orange ink. I actually had to double stamp it because one section didn’t take properly. Of course it wasn’t entirely aligned when I restamped which makes the writing look even more indistinct! I decided to mat the background panel on some green paper to make sure the green was clearly included in the card.

Easter Chicks 2Assembly was pretty simple. I used my tape roller to stick my stamped background onto the green paper. I also used that for attaching the sentiment and the three chick pile. For the single chicks I used dimensionals to make them stand out a bit more. I think it adds a look of movement to the card and just makes it a bit more interesting.

I think this card turned out really well. It’s fun and cute, and the colours work nicely together. My fussy cutting could still use a bit of work, but in fairness the chicks were a bit fiddly to cut out. I’m happy with the job I did, all things considered.


Lady Joyful

21 thoughts on “Easter Chicks

  1. I’m so glad you made a card with our challenge in mind. It’s a super cute one, too. Love those birds!! Thanks for joining our Easter challenge this week at Crafty Sentiments Challenge. Julie, DT member

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Too cute!!! This made me giggle!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at the Color Throwdown! AND thanks for joining us at The Challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

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